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来源:作者:热度:Loading...日期:2013-07-25, 10:42 AM

    近日,由北大光华管理学院、清华大学经济管理学院等多国内外多单位合作Evidence on the impact of sustained exposure to airpollution on life expectancy from China’s HuaiRiver policy目前发表在美国科学院院报(proceedings of the national academy of sciences

      在毛泽东时代推行的一项供暖政策是将淮河作为南北分界线, 北方提供煤球供暖而南方没有. 研究人员发现,中国南北方居民的平均寿命不相上下,但紧靠淮河的南北地区之间却存在巨大差异,后者平均寿命比前者短五年半。平均寿命存在这种地理分布规律,不太可能是由收入和医疗条件的差异造成的。实际上,死亡记录显示,上述差异是由心脏和唿吸系统疾病引发的死亡导致的。空气污染是引发心脏和唿吸系统疾病的因素之一。 报告主要研究的是煤烟、浓烟和其他空气颗粒物产生的影响,这些物质通常只限于局部地区。  


     作为世界最大的煤炭消费国,中国目前仍在向煤炭生产提供补贴,许多建筑用燃煤锅炉提供廉价的中央供暖。 不过,上述研究暴露出了中国政府能源补贴政策存在的隐患。供暖政策的出发点非常好,其目的是在冬季满足国内居民的供暖需求,但我们的研究却发现,它也带来了一些负面效应。高浓度污染物对人体健康的影响的机理仍不是很清楚。迄今为止有关空气污染的大多数研究针对的都是空气相对干净的发达国家。


原文摘要:This paper’s findings suggest that an arbitrary Chinese policy that greatly increases total suspended particulates (TSPs) air pollution is causing the 500 million residents of Northern China to lose more than 2.5 billion life years of life expectancy. The quasi experimental empirical approach is based on China’s Huai River policy, which provided free winter heating via the provision of coal for boilers in cities north of the Huai River but denied heat to the south. Using a regression discontinuity design based on distance from the Huai
River, we find that ambient concentrations of TSPs are about 184μg/m3 [95% confidence interval (CI): 61, 307] or 55% higher in the
north. Further, the results indicate that life expectancies are about 5.5 y (95% CI: 0.8, 10.2) lower in the north owing to an increased incidence of cardiorespiratory mortality. More generally, the analysis suggests that long-term exposure to an additional 100 μg/m3 of TSPs is associated with a reduction in life expectancy at birth of about 3.0 y (95% CI: 0.4, 5.6).



