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来源:作者:热度:Loading...日期:2013-08-20, 09:52 PM


    We are pleased to formally announce the next World Congress ofGastroenterology, Gastro 2013 APDW/WCOG Shanghai, China, 21-24September. The organizing partners for Gastro 2013 – the Asian PacificDigestive Week Federation (APDWF), Chinese Societies of DigestiveDiseases (CSDD), World Endoscopy Organization (WEO) and the WorldGastroenterology Organisation (WGO) – warmly invite you to gather withus to participate in this premier global event on gastroenterology,liver disease, endoscopy, GI surgery and related GI diseases.

The World Congress of Gastroenterology (WCOG) and Asian PacificDigestive Week (APDW) have grown and evolved from one edition to thenext, and this next Congress in Shanghai will build on the hugelysuccessful offerings of these meetings that have preceded it. Gastro2013 APDW/WCOG Shanghai will offer the opportunity to come together tolearn about the latest research and advancements, collaborate withcolleagues and actively participate in the advancing field ofgastroenterology. In parallel with our professional endeavors, we willalso enjoy the history, sights, sounds and tastes of China, and inparticular, the unique, diverse and always exciting, Shanghai.

A dynamic, stimulating and varied scientific program of the highestquality will be presented, taking a global perspective while recognizingthe special concerns of the Asian Pacific region. On 21 September, theWorld Congress will begin with an outstanding Postgraduate Coursefocused on issues in Gastroenterology and Liver Disease and a LiveDemonstration Endoscopy Course.

Over the next three days, 22-24September, the main program will be convened and presented duringsymposia organized in four primary tracks: Live Demonstration Endoscopyand didactic Endoscopy sessions, Upper GI, Lower GI and Liver Disease.Each day of the main program will begin with Plenary Sessions duringwhich Named Lectureship presentations will be presented. Other keyprogrammatic components will be offered including Working Party Reportsand Guidelines – a prominent feature of past World Congresses ofGastroenterology and the Asian Pacific Digestive Week conferences,respectively – free paper presentations, a program for nurses and otherallied healthcare professionals, and industry-sponsored symposia. Welook forward to meeting with you, our esteemed colleagues, as we benefittogether from the impressive science that will be shared with us fromaround the world.

We will be delighted to welcome you to Shanghai for Gastro 2013APDW/WCOG Shanghai and hope that you will elect to be part of thisoutstanding scientific program in this exceptional city.







