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Nature methods

来源:作者:热度:Loading...日期:2017-05-31, 01:44 PM

Nature methods

影响因子: 23.565

I S S N 1548-7091

社: Nature Pub. Group

地: New York, NY

出版国家: United States

刊  期: 月刊

创刊时间: 2004

语  种: 英文

审稿周期: 1.0个月

中科院分区: 1

投稿命中率: 37.5%

国外数据库收录: IM

中国收录文章数: 4

5年影响因子: 20.454

研究领域: 生物医学研究、研究设计

官方链接: http://www.nature.com/nmeth/index.html


Nature Methods is a forum for the publication of novel methods and significant improvements to tried-and-tested techniques in the life sciences and related area of chemistry. This monthly publication is aimed at a broad, interdisciplinary audience of academic and industry researchers actively involved in laboratory practice. It provides them with new tools to conduct their research and places a strong emphasis on the immediate practical relevance of the work presented. The journal publishes primary research papers as well as overviews of recent technical and methodological developments, and detailed descriptions of important established methods. We are actively seeking primary method papers of relevance to the biological and biomedical sciences, including methods grounded in chemistry that have a practical application to the study of biological problems. To enhance the practical relevance of each paper, description of the method must be accompanied by its validation, its application to an important biological question and results illustrating its performance in comparison to available approaches. Articles are selected for publication that present broad interest, thorough assessments of methodological performance and comprehensive technical descriptions that facilitate immediate application.

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