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nature chemical biology

来源:作者:热度:Loading...日期:2017-06-02, 01:55 PM

nature chemical biology

影响因子: 12.948

I S S N 1552-4450

社: Nature Pub. Group

地: New York, NY

出版国家: USA

刊  期: 月刊

创刊时间: 2005

语  种: 英文

审稿周期: 12.0个月

中科院分区: 1

投稿命中率: 很难

国外数据库收录: IM

中国收录文章数: 5

5年影响因子: 15.6

研究领域: 生物化学

官方链接: http://www.nature.com/nchembio/index.html


Nature Chemical Biology is an international monthly journal that provides a high-visibility forum for the publication of top-tier original research and commentary for the chemical biology community. Chemical biology combines the scientific ideas and approaches of chemistry, biology and allied disciplines to understand and manipulate biological systems with molecular precision. The journal publishes papers from the expanding community of chemical biologists, including contributions from chemists who are applying the principles and tools of chemistry to biological questions and from biologists who are interested in understanding and controlling biological processes at the molecular level.

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