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investigative ophthalmology & visual science

来源:作者:热度:Loading...日期:2014-01-27, 08:20 PM

期刊名称 investigative ophthalmology & visual science 

学科分类 医学 

出版周期 月刊   
审稿速度 1 个月 (平均) 

投稿命中率 25 % (均值)   
期刊主页 http://www.iovs.org/   
ISSN 号 (printed): 0146-0404 (electronic): 1552-5783   
IF 趋势    2005      2006      2007      2008      2009       2010     2011      2012   
              3.643      3.766     3.528     3.582     3.431       3.466    3.597      3.441   
被收录情况   1. Science Citation Index 
                    2. Science Citation Index Expanded 
                    3. Current Contents - Life Sciences 
                    4. BIOSIS Previews 
                    5. BIOSIS Reviews Reports And Meetings   
PubSci评语 审稿很快,一个月内会给出意见,Reject或接受或修回。难度稍大。收版面费。   
期刊简介 IOVS是美国视觉与眼科研究协会(ARVO)的正式期刊。ARVO是一个旨在鼓励和推进视觉与眼科领域的研究、培训、出版和信息传播的国际组织。   
投稿注意事项 特别提醒:2013年1月以后提交的论文版面费按照每页PDF120美元标准交纳,2013年以前提交的论文按照以前的计价体系交纳版面费。作者还可以选择free access方式发表论文,缴费标准为每页PDF 115美元,此项费用与版面费互不包含。
Online Submission Instructions for Authors
(Last Modified December 2, 2013)
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science (IOVS), published online several times a month, is an official journal of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), an international organization whose purposes are to encourage and assist research, training, publication, and dissemination of knowledge in vision and ophthalmology. Included are original contributions that emphasize clinical and laboratory hypothesis-based research with statistically valid results that clearly advance the fields of ophthalmic and vision research. IOVS de-emphasizes purely descriptive studies.
Contact Information for IOVS Editorial Office
Address: 1801 Rockville Pike   
  Suite 400   
  Rockville, MD 20852   
Phone: +   
Fax: +   
E-mail: iovs@arvo.org 

MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSION: http://iovs.msubmit.net
Accepted Manuscripts | ARVO Animal Statement | Commercial Relationships Policy
Clinical Trials | Copyright | Declaration of Helsinki | Manuscript Preparation | Manuscript Review
Manuscript Types | Permissions | Publication Costs | Volunteer Editor Program
Articles present new data in one or more areas of vision research and are written concisely for a broad rather than a highly specialized audience. To be considered for publication, papers that are merely descriptions of new methods must be exceptional contributions, with implications extending beyond the particular applied area. Summaries of meetings/symposia, case reports, obituaries, and general review articles are generally not considered.
Lectures are written versions of ARVO awardees' presentations given at each Annual Meeting.
Letters to the Editor will be considered for publication whether their relevance is to material published in IOVS or to issues of general interest to vision scientists. Letters about material published in IOVS may correct errors; provide support or agreement; and offer different points of view, clarification, or additional information. Letters will be reviewed and the author(s) whose article is discussed in a Letter will be given an opportunity to reply.
New Developments in Vision Research are solicited short reviews of new research findings or new general methodologies that are of broad interest to the ophthalmic and vision research community.
Point/Counterpoint are two invited articles with opposing views on a specific topic. The articles will be peer-reviewed. Each article should be 2-3 pages (final PDF pages). Those interested in submitting Point/Counterpoint articles should contact the Editor-in-Chief, explaining the scope of the two articles prior to preparation.
Perspectives are personal viewpoints on topics with broad interest (mini-editorial). Articles will be peer-reviewed. They may be up to 4 pages (final PDF pages), including art and tables.
Reviews are meant to provide a comprehensive summary of the current state of the research on a particular topic, and are regarded as being the first place to get basic information about a topic. They should contain new insights on the topic or provide a new synthesis of data. The topics may be translational or basic research and may include clinical applications. Reviews are peer-reviewed. There are no set length requirements, but concise writing is encouraged and will be considered during review.
IOVS authors are asked to select the section code that best suits their research area. Article sections are based on the 13 ARVO sections and the 3 ARVO cross-sectional groups. Authors submitting manuscripts dealing with translational research may want to consider submitting their work to Translational Vision Science and Technology(http://tvstjournal.org/).
Prior Publication/Duplicate Submission
All submissions must be original. Manuscripts are run through CrossCheck's plagiarism detection system prior to review. IOVS will not consider any manuscripts that have been previously published in any format, except as an abstract or academic thesis. An author may submit a manuscript that is part of his or her published thesis, if it was published as a thesis only, not as part of another journal. Manuscripts that are currently under review with other journals may not be submitted to IOVS. Click here for further details and the AOS exception.
If a manuscript is suspected of being a duplication submission, i.e., already under consideration at another journal, the review will be halted and the scientific editor of the other journal will be contacted. If it is confirmed that the manuscript is a duplicate submission, the manuscript will be rejected, the authors may be banned from submitting to IOVS, or to any ARVO journal, for a period of time, and their institutions may be contacted.
Copyright Transfer
ARVO deposits all articles indicated as funded by NIH, HHMI, and Wellcome Trust in PubMed Central on behalf of the authors. All authors must complete the Copyright Transfer Form in the manuscript tracking system or download the PDF and email or fax it to the Editorial Office.
If you plan to include figures, photographs, or tables from other publications, obtain written permission from the copyright holder to reprint such items in IOVS, and submit this permission to the Editorial Office.
Other Policies
Declaration of Helsinki
For research involving human subjects, IOVS requires that authors state in the Methods section of their manuscript that their research adhered to the tenets of theDeclaration of Helsinki.
Statement for the Use of Animals in Ophthalmic and Vision Research
If experimental animals were used in the research, IOVS requires that authors confirm adherence to the ARVO Statement for the Use of Animals in Ophthalmic and Vision Research in the Methods section of their manuscript.
Guidelines for Manuscripts Involving Human Genetics
Descriptions of novel associations between genes and ophthalmic diseases
Manuscripts that describe the results of studies investigating novel associations between genetic variants and disease are of interest. Editors and reviewers will consider sample size and statistical approaches when evaluating the significance of the observed results. Reviewers or editors of such studies may ask for replication in a second population, demonstration of biological activity or proposed biological function related to the sequence variant(s) showing association, and/or additional measures of significance, such as smaller p values for association that approach the genome significance levels of 1 x 10-7.
Confirmation of reports of genetic variants recently or rarely associated with ophthalmic disease
Manuscripts confirming novel genetic associations are of interest, and those that confirm previous associations and refine or further define the genetic relevance to ocular disease are of special interest. Manuscripts that do not confirm a previously published association will only be considered when the power of the study is sufficient to conclusively identify a positive association, had it existed.
Screening new populations for genetic variants known to be associated with disease
Manuscripts describing results of population screening for genetic variants known to be associated with disease are of interest if screening the population provides new insight into disease mechanisms, disease prevalence, or other aspects of the epidemiology of the condition. Editors and reviewers will consider the number of subjects screened, the population demographics, and previously published studies.
Molecular or clinical studies that demonstrate disease mechanisms related to genetic variants associated with ophthalmic disease
Manuscripts describing cellular, biochemical, or molecular mechanisms of diseases that have genetic etiologies are of interest.
New mutation reports
Mutations in previously identified genes that are not associated with novel clinical phenotypes, do not establish new and significant genotype-phenotype correlations, or do not provide new insight into disease mechanisms will be returned to the authors without review.
ARVO Commercial Relationships Policy for IOVS
The ARVO Commercial Relationships Policy ("Policy") for authors, revised as of June 22, 2006, is intended to clarify and simplify the reporting procedures with respect to financial interests in order to promote a better understanding of, and enhanced compliance with, the Policy.
Clinical Trials Registration
Beginning July 1, 2006, IOVS will no longer consider articles dealing with clinical trials that were not registered before the first subject was enrolled. Trials that began before this date and were not registered must be registered by July 1, 2006. Please include the following information in a cover letter: (1) beginning date of the trial, (2) date of registration, (3) trial registration number, and (4) registration site.
Registration must be done on a publicly available database. ICMJE-recognized registries are:
http://www.anzctr.org.au/ (Australia)
http://www.chictr.org/ (China)
http://www.clinicaltrials.gov (US)
https://www.clinicaltrialsregister.eu (EU)
http://ctri.nic.in (India)
http://www.germanctr.de (Germany)
http://www.ensaiosclinicos.gov.br (Brazil)
http://www.irct.ir (Iran)
http://isrctn.org (UK)
http://ncrc.cdc.go.kr (Republic of Korea)
http://registroclinico.sld.cu (Cuba)
http://www.umin.ac.jp/ctr/index/htm (Japan)
http://www.trialregister.nl/trialreg/index.asp (Netherlands)
For the purposes of this policy, a "clinical trial" consists of any study involving a new therapy of any kind, whether medical, surgical, psychological or sociological, in which subjects are concurrently divided into one or more treatment or control groups. Several treatments may be compared simultaneously, or one or more treatment groups may be compared to a simultaneous, untreated control group. Although the division into such groups in most such trials is presently by random assignment, randomization is not a part of the requirement for registration but only the evaluation, in the trial, of concurrent control groups. The size of a clinical trial is not a relevant consideration as to whether it must be registered. This policy applies not only to large, multi-institutional clinical trials sponsored by pharmaceutical companies or other organizations, but also to individual investigators at a single institution who are conducting their own trials. The only consideration is whether the trial is comparing an experimental therapy, or therapies with a simultaneous control group, or groups.
Click here for more complete guidelines and here for FAQ.
Consent for Use of Identifying Material
Authors must obtain consent from subjects to use any identifiable material, e.g., a photograph of a subject's face, and forward that consent to the Editorial Office at submission. When the subject is a minor child, consent must be obtained from the parent or guardian. Authors should upload the consent form as a Cover Letter file or email it to iovs@arvo.org. Contact the Editorial Office if a blank consent form is needed.
Publication Costs
Accepted manuscripts with an original submission date of November 1, 2013, or later are subject to a $120 per published PDF page charge. Accepted manuscripts with an original submission date earlier than November 1 will be charged according to the previous pricing structure. The following guidelines may be used to estimate the length of your manuscript in journal pages:
3 double-spaced manuscript text pages/12 point type size=1 typeset journal page
45 references=1 typeset page
Each figure or table=1/4 to 1/2 typeset page
Title, authors' names, and abstract=1/2 typeset page
Authors may make their papers free access (averting the 6 month embargo) for $155 per published PDF page. This cost includes the publishing fee and free access fee together and is not in addition to the $120 page charge.
Manuscript Preparation
Structure: the main manuscript document should be organized as follows:
a. Title Page
b. Structured Abstract: 250-word limit
c. Text
d. Acknowledgments
e. References
f. Figure legends, tables, and figures, if not embedded in text
Note: The manuscript file should include page and line numbers.
Title Page
The title page, which must be part of the main manuscript file, should include the title, authors' full names and institutions, and other manuscript information such as word count and grant information. The title must contain no more than 150 characters, including punctuation and spaces.
Structured abstract
A structured abstract of fewer than 250 words is required for articles and should be arranged under the following headings: Purpose, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. Define abbreviations at first mention, and do not include references. The abstract must be included as part of the main manuscript file.
In addition, authors whose native language is not English may submit a Foreign Language Abstract along with the manuscript file. If the manuscript is accepted, the Foreign Language Abstract would be published as supplementary material.
IOVS recommends a 3,500 or fewer word count, excluding title page, legends, and references. The text should be double-spaced and the lines numbered.
In a brief Introduction (don't use any subheadings), provide the research rationale and objectives without extensively reviewing the literature.
In the Methods section, describe the experimental design, subjects used, and procedures followed. Previously published procedures should be identified by reference only. Provide sufficient detail to enable others to duplicate the research. Use standard chemical or nonproprietary pharmaceutical nomenclature. In parentheses, identify specific sources by brand name, company, city, and state or country.
If human subjects were involved in the investigation, the Methods section must confirm that: (1) the research followed the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki; (2) informed consent was obtained from the subjects after explanation of the nature and possible consequences of the study; and (3) where applicable, the research was approved by the institutional human experimentation committee or institutional review board (IRB).
If experimental animals were used in the investigation, the Methods section must confirm adherence to the ARVO Statement for the Use of Animals in Ophthalmic and Vision Research and, where applicable, approval by the appropriate IRB.
Present the Results with a minimum of discussion. Cite all tables and figures in numerical order.
Limit the Discussion to statistically significant data and their limitations. Do not reiterate results.
Please review your manuscript carefully prior to submission. Authors needing or seeking assistance with English grammar and usage may take advantage of theIOVSVolunteer Editor Program (seehttp://www.iovs.org/site/misc/voleds.xhtml).
Acknowledgments should be written in the third person and be limited to colleagues and research assistants. Acknowledgments are not meant to recognize appreciation for personal or manuscript production support. Including dedications to individuals or groups is not permitted by IOVS journal policy.
List references numerically by order of citation in the text, not alphabetically. All references must be cited in the text or tables, shown as superscript numbers. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of references.
Unpublished data (including material in preparation or submitted) or personal communications should be listed parenthetically in the text only with year received or recorded.
References to journal articles should include (1) author(s) (if there are more than six, write "et al." after the third name), (2) title, (3) journal name (as abbreviated in Index Medicus), (4) year, (5) volume number, and (6) inclusive page numbers.
References to books should include (1) author(s), (2) chapter title (if any), (3) editors (if any), (4) title of book, (5) city of publication, (6) publisher, (7) year, and (8) inclusive page numbers.
ARVO abstract citations are to appear parenthetically within the text, not as bibliographic references. For ARVO abstracts from 1977 to 2001, citations should include (1) name of first author, (2) "IOVS", (3) year, (4) volume number, (5) "ARVO Abstract", and (6) program number. For ARVO abstracts from 2002 forward, citations should include (1) name of first author, (2) "IOVS", (3) year, (4) volume number, (5) "ARVO E-Abstract", and (6) program number.
Reviewers are not required to look up online website references.
Choudhury A, Palkanis VA, Bowers WE. Characterisation and functional activity of dendritic cells from rat choroid. Exp Eye Res. 1994;59:297-304.
Stryer L. Biochemistry. 2nd ed. San Francisco, CA: WH Freeman; 1981:559-596.
1977-2001: (Otaishat NM, et al. IOVS 1997;38:ARVO Abstract 1417)
2002- : (Roska BM, et al. IOVS 2002;43:ARVO E-Abstract 1415)
Tables, legends, figures, supplementary material
Tables must be included in the main manuscript file. Each table should have a brief, self-contained title, understandable without reference to the text. Assign a short heading to each table column. Footnotes in tables should use symbols in the following sequence: *, †, ‡, §, ||, and #. Data that can be given in the text in two or three sentences should not be presented in table format.
Legends should sum up the intent and content of the data contained in the figure. Use complete sentences or noun phrases with necessary modifiers, and conclude with a period.
Figures should be cited in the text, in numerical order using Arabic numerals. Figures may be placed within the main manuscript file or uploaded separately. If a figure contains multiple parts, it should be assembled on one page; Figures 1A and 1B should not appear on separate pages. Please label each figure appropriately just beneath the inserted image. For example, labels should read "Fig. 1" or "Figure 1."
In the event that your manuscript is accepted, the Editorial Office will require you to upload your figures as TIFF or EPS files for the printer. Therefore, while any type of file may be embedded within the manuscript file, it is recommended that graphics be prepared using a program which can save files in a format that can ultimately be saved and submitted as EPS or TIFF. NEW: Color graphics should be saved in RGB (Red, Green, Blue) rather than CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black). For accepted manuscripts, the minimum resolution requirement for figure files is 300 dpi. Authors of accepted manuscripts can seehttp://www.iovs.org/site/misc/accepted.xhtml for further details regarding figure requirements for publication.
Supplementary material can be included at the end of the main manuscript file or uploaded separately. Supplementary material must be cited in the manuscript text, e.g., "See Supplementary Table S1 for a list of mutations." Movies should be QuickTime files and no larger than 3 MB, if possible.
File Formats
Manuscript files will be converted into an unalterable PDF format that will be sent to the reviewers. The main manuscript document must be submitted in one of the following formats:
Microsoft Word (.doc): Mac users should type in the .doc extension at the end of the file name when they save their document.
WordPerfect (.rtf): WordPerfect documents must be saved as Rich Text Format files. Because WordPerfect fonts are not compatible with Adobe, the PDF that the system creates may incorrectly display special characters such as Greek letters and mathematical symbols. After you have finished uploading, please be sure to proof the PDF files before clicking on the final submit button. If the special characters do not show up properly, you may have to go back to your original file, change the fonts, and re-upload the file.
PDF (.pdf): Should you choose to initially upload a PDF document for peer review, please note that you will need to upload a word processing document, with either a .doc or .rtf extension, upon acceptance.
Rich Text Format (.rtf).
Do not use other word processing systems as they are not supported by eJournal Press, nor are they all readily available to those involved in the review process.
Follow guidelines of style, terminology, measurement, and quantitation as set forth in theAmerican Medical Association Manual of Style, 10th edition.
Use initial caps and descriptive clauses for titles and subheadings, avoiding complete sentences or questions.
Keep abbreviations and acronyms to a minimum and define them at first mention.
Use Système International (SI) measurements (http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Units/units.html) throughout the paper.
Please use basic fonts such as Arial or Times New Roman. Arial is recommended as the font that causes the fewest problems during conversion to PDF.
Place equations in their appropriate locations within the text of the manuscript. This will ensure their accurate appearance in the PDF proof.
Web Uploading Instructions
Submit your manuscript to IOVS online at http://iovs.msubmit.net. Do not submit a manuscript more than once; this constitutes a double submission and is a violation of the IOVS copyright statement. Follow the directions for each screen.
After an initial review of the paper, the Editor-in-Chief assigns it to an Associate Editor (AE). The AE then selects an Editorial Board Member (EBM) who is an expert in the field and who will be responsible for guiding the paper through the review process. The EBM selects several outside reviewers to ensure that at least two reviewers can be obtained. Once the completed reviews arrive, the EBM critiques them, synthesizing them in a coherent manner for transmission to the corresponding author. At the same time, the EBM recommends a decision to the AE. The AE reviews all material and makes the publication decision, which is then e-mailed to the author. In the case of rejections, the AE forwards their recommendation to the Editor-in-Chief, who makes the final decision. Submissions by nonmembers of ARVO will be given equal consideration. All manuscripts, including invited "New Developments" reviews, ARVO award lectures, and Letters to the Editor, are peer-reviewed.
If your manuscript has been accepted, please see the IOVS website athttp://www.iovs.org/site/misc/accepted.xhtml for instructions on how to prepare the final files for publication.
If you wish to submit an image to be considered for an IOVS cover, you can upload the image file(s) with your regular manuscript files. The submission can be related to a particular manuscript or it can be of a more general scientific nature relevant to IOVS. If the image has been published elsewhere or originated as someone else's work, a copyright release or permission must be included. When selecting a picture, please keep in mind the shape of the journal cover and remember that the IOVS logo will block part of the image at the top. Remember that enlargement will emphasize any imperfection, so please send the clearest, sharpest image possible.
If you would like to reuse a figure or table from one of your own published IOVS articles in a book chapter or article for a non-ARVO journal, you do not need written permission. When reprinting the IOVS material, however, please include a full article citation and acknowledge the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology as the copyright holder.
If you would like to use material from an IOVS article for which you were NOT an author, please obtain permission through the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC). There is a fee of $35 per figure or table plus a small CCC service fee. When reprinting the IOVS material, please include a full article citation and acknowledge the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology as the copyright holder. If you have questions or an unusual request, e.g., reuse of material online, please contact Debbie Chin at dchin@arvo.org.
All companies, commercial and nonprofit, should contact ARVO directly for permission to reprint articles or parts thereof. Please e-mail your request to Debbie Chin at dchin@arvo.org.   
编辑部信息 所在地: 华盛顿 国家 美国   
David C. Beebe, PhD
Washington Univ. in St. Louis 
Associate Editors
Stanley Chang, MD
Columbia Univ. Reza Dana, MD
Schepens Eye Research Institute   
Elke Lütjen-Drecoll, MD
Univ. of Erlangen-Nürnberg Stephen C. Pflugfelder, MD
Baylor College of Medicine   
Joseph F. Rizzo, MD
Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary Russell N. Van Gelder, MD, PhD
Univ. of Washington   
Martin B. Wax, MD
Univ. of Texas Southwestern Med. School Thomas Yorio, PhD
Univ. of North Texas Health Science Ctr. 

研究方向:眼科学      审稿时间:约1个月    接收率:约25%    SCI(2010):3.466 
贡献者: tree1004
研究方向:眼科      审稿时间:约1个月    接收率:约25%     SCI(2011):3.5 
投稿时需注意要自己选择reviewer,这样比较节省时间,根据我两次投稿的经验来看,在选择分配好reviewer后,21天后准时给出意见:reject 或者接受或者修回,等等。难度较大,也许是自己火候不够吧,总之good luck各位。
研究方向:眼科 基础研究              
负责任的把自己的经验告诉大家.2012年4月投稿,30天后出一审结果,说我的英语极差,图片质量差,不知道我在说什么。2012年9月投稿,说文章没有新意,也是30天出一审结果。2013年1月投稿,minor revision,提出了一堆麻拐的问题,我在修改,希望这次小修后能有好结果。我会及时更新修稿时间以及修回后的意见。

