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Skeletal Radiology

来源:作者:热度:Loading...日期:2014-01-27, 09:08 PM

期刊名称 Skeletal Radiology 

学科分类 医学 

出版周期 双月刊   
审稿速度  不详 

投稿命中率 不详   
期刊主页 http://www.springer.com/medicine/radiology/journal/256   
ISSN 号 (printed): 0364-2348 (electronic): 1432-2161   
IF 趋势    2005       2006      2007       2008       2009       2010       2011       2012   
               0.98        1.176     1.136      1.085      1.568       1.387      1.541      1.741   
被收录情况   1. Science Citation Index 
                    2. Science Citation Index Expanded 
                    3. Current Contents - Clinical Medicine   
PubSci评语 SKELETAL RADIOL是国际骨骼协会的正式刊物,主要关注肌肉骨骼系统包括脊椎疾病的治疗,侧重放射性方面,其他与骨骼相关的学科也在关注范围内。   
期刊简介 国际骨骼协会的正式期刊。致力于传播治疗肌肉骨骼系统包括脊椎疾病的知识与信息。尽管该刊强调骨骼异常的放射学方面,该杂志还跨学科,解剖、病例、生理、临床、代谢及影响骨骼的流行病学也在关注范围中。   
投稿注意事项 特别提醒:论文原稿需要用Word (Word 2007或更新版本)撰写,以Docx格式提交。目前接受的六种类型文章如下:科研论文、综述性论文、病例、观点、个人测试:问题和答案、技术报告。
Skeletal Radiology Instructions for Authors
This document contains the instructions for authors who are submitting manuscripts for
publication in Skeletal Radiology. All manuscripts should be submitted online at
http://www.editorialmanager.com/skra/, following the on-screen instructions.
General Information
l Submission requirements for Skeletal Radiology are in accord with the “Uniform
Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals” of the International
Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). These requirements are available online
l Submission of a manuscript implies: that the work described has not been published
before; that it is not under consideration for publication anywhere else; that its
publication has been approved by all co-authors, if any, as well as by the responsible
authorities – tacitly or explicitly – at the institute where the work has been carried out.
The publisher will not be held legally responsible should there be any claims for
l Integrity of research and reporting
Ethical standards
Manuscripts submitted for publication must contain a statement to the effect that all
human and animal studies have been approved by the appropriate ethics committee
and have therefore been performed in accordance with the ethical standards laid down
in the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki and its later amendments.
It should also be stated clearly in the text that all persons gave their informed consent
prior to their inclusion in the study. Details that might disclose the identity of the
subjects under study should be omitted.
The editors reserve the right to reject manuscripts that do not comply with the abovementioned
requirements. The author will be held responsible for false statements or
failure to fulfill the above-mentioned requirements
Conflict of interest
Authors must indicate whether or not they have a financial relationship with the
organization that sponsored the research. This note should be added in a separate
section before the reference list.
If no conflict exists, authors should state: The authors declare that they have no
conflict of interest.
l Authors wishing to include figures, tables, or text passages that have already been
published elsewhere are required to obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) for
both the print and online format and to include evidence that such permission has been
granted when submitting their papers. Any material received without such evidence
will be assumed to originate from the authors.
l All submissions may be evaluated by CrossCheck for previously published material.
l Acceptance of manuscripts for publication is based solely on the Editor’s decision
and/or the results of peer review.
l All accepted articles will be edited as required to meet the requirements of the Journal.
General Format Guidelines for All Manuscripts
l All manuscripts must be submitted in English with double-spaced,12-point, left
justified, Times Roman type. Authors not experienced with writing scientific
manuscripts in English are strongly encouraged to have their manuscript reviewed by
a native English speaker or an individual experienced with scientific writing in
English. Badly written manuscripts are more likely to be rejected; language itself may
be a reason for rejection.
l Manuscripts must be formatted in accordance with the requirements and limitations
for the specific type of article submitted (as outlined below).
l The Journal reserves the right to return manuscripts “unreviewed” if the appropriate
format has not been followed.
l All identifying information (such as organizational affiliations) should be removed.
l Blinded manuscript pages should be numbered sequentially, with the blinded title
page as page number 1 (see Manuscript Organization below).
l Manuscripts should be prepared in Word format (Microsoft Word 2007 or later) and
submitted in docx format.
l Tables should be prepared using table function in Word.
l Equations should be prepared using equation editor or Math Type.
l The use of abbreviations is discouraged. Terms used more than 6 times may be
abbreviated, with the abbreviation defined, following the first mention of the term.
l References should be placed at the end of the manuscript, in the order in which they
are cited in the manuscript. Reference citations in the text should be identified by
numbers in square brackets (e.g.: [3] or [1-3, 7]). Only numerals should be cited in the
text. If there are six authors or fewer, all should be listed. If seven or more, list the first
three and then “et al” the rest. The Vancouver reference style is used in this journal.
Please note that EndNote offers a bibliographic style specifically for Skeletal
Manuscript Types
l Skeletal Radiology accepts 6 types of manuscripts: (1) scientific article, (2) review
article, (3) case report, (4) perspectives, (5) test yourself: question and answer, and (6)
technical report. Requirements for each of these is described in detail below.
l For questions concerning scientific articles, review articles and perspectives contact
Daniel I. Rosenthal, MD, (e-mail: dirosenthal@partners.org) for manuscripts
originating outside Europe, and Juerg Hodler, MD, (e-mail: juerg.hodler@usz.ch) for
articles originating within Europe.
l For questions concerning case reports or Test Yourself manuscripts, contact Mark J.
Kransdorf, MD, (e-mail: kransdorf.mark@mayo.edu).
l Letters to the Editor: Skeletal Radiology does not publish letters. Communications
related to editorial policy should be sent directly to the responsible editor.
l All authors must have made substantial contributions to all three categories
established by the ICMJE (http://www.icmje.org) to include: (1) conception and
design, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data, (2) drafting the
article or revising it critically for important intellectual content, and (3) final approval
of the version to be published.
l Individuals who have not made substantial contributions in all three categories, but
who have made substantial contributions either in some of them, or in other areas,
should be listed in acknowledgments.
l The list of authors cannot be changed following acceptance of a manuscript.
l A maximum of 7 authors is allowed for scientific articles, review articles and
technical innovations. For scientific articles submitted as a result of a multiinstitutional
study having more than 7 authors, a letter detailing the specifics of the
study and the contributions of each author must accompany the initial submission.
l A maximum of 5 authors is allowed for case reports, Test Yourself manuscripts and
perspective submissions.
Manuscript Organization
l Scientific Article: All manuscripts should be organized as follows: title page, blinded
manuscript, supplementary material, tables and figures.
¡ Title Page should include: all author names (in correct order), author affiliations
and the e-mail address of corresponding author.
¡ Blinded Manuscript organized as follows: blinded title page, abstract,
introduction, materials and methods (or alternatively subjects and methods),
results, discussion, acknowledgments, references, figure legends, tables and
Ÿ Blinded title page has only the title of the manuscript with no author or
institutional affiliation
Ÿ Abstract is limited to 250 words and should be structured into four sections
corresponding to the body of the manuscript: Objective; Materials and
Methods, Results and Conclusion. Each section should comprise one paragraph,
beginning with the name of the section in italics, followed by a period
(Objective. To report…). The objective of the manuscript as listed in the
abstract must agree with the purpose as identified in the Introduction (see
Ÿ Introduction should briefly state the nature and purpose of the work, quoting
the relevant literature, and indicating its importance and relevance. The final
paragraph of the Introduction must specifically indicate the exact purpose of the
manuscript and should match the purpose that is stated in the Abstact. This
section should not exceed 400 words.
Ÿ Materials and Methods section should include all details of clinical and
technical procedures stated in the STARD initiative for studies of diagnostic
accuracy (http://radiology.rsnajnls.org/cgi/content/full/226/1/24). Authors
should concentrate on providing inclusion and exclusion criteria, method and
setting of data collection. Include the beginning and end dates of recruitment.
Was the study population a consecutive series? If not, how was the study
population selected? Describe experience and blinding of interpreters. Describe
statistical methods for calculating or comparing measures of diagnostic
accuracy and methods to quantify uncertainty (confidence interval).
Research Ethics Standards Compliance: All manuscripts dealing with human
subjects must contain, in the Materials and Methods section, a statement in the
first paragraph, indicating that the study has been approved by the Institutional
Review Board or comparable formal research ethics review committee. If none
is present at your institution, there should be a statement that the research was
performed following the Declaration of Helsinki principles. There should also
be a statement about whether informed consent was obtained from research
Ÿ Results should be presented clearly, concisely and without comment. Every
item mentioned in Materials and Methods should have a corresponding item
(result) in the Results section.
Ÿ Discussion should explain your results and relate them to those of other authors
and define their significance for clinical practice. Difference with previous
studies should be identified and analyzed. The manuscript should end with a
brief conclusion. Conclusions that can be drawn from the investigation should
be expressed in the final sentences of the manuscript.
Ÿ Acknowledgments are for individuals who have not made sufficiently
substantial contributions to the manuscript to be considered authors, but who
have assisted in the conception, design, editing, etc. Comments on grants or
funding for the study can also be included.
Ÿ References should formatted as noted in the General Format Guidelines above.
Only essential references should be cited.
Ÿ Figure Legends should use the Skeletal Radiology style (Fig. 1 A 24-year-old
man with scaphoid non-union…), providing age, gender and diagnosis or
finding illustrated. Any electronic alteration of images that substantially
changes the information provided by the image should be completely described.
¡ Supplementary Material includes permission documentation for images or text
passages that have already been published elsewhere or other materials from
copyright owner(s).
¡ Tables should be relevant and should not repeat data presented in the text. Tables
should be titled and numbered consecutively.
¡ Figures for manuscripts should be imbedded within the Microsoft Word document
in the order in which they are cited in the text. There is no formal maximum
number of image parts allowed, but figures should be limited to those required to
adequately convey the scientific message presented.
l Review Article: Because of the nature of a review article, the structured format of a
scientific manuscript is not required. The text can be a continuous narrative as
required by the author(s). The Abstract is limited to 250 words, but is otherwise nonstructured.
All other requirements for a scientific manuscript apply.
l Case Report: The format for a case report should follow that for a scientific
manuscript with the following limitations:
¡ The title of the case report must include diagnosis.
¡ The Abstract is limited to 250 words, but is otherwise non-structured. It should
indicate the diagnosis and a brief explanation of why it merits publication.
¡ The Introduction should indicate why the case is being presented and its clinical
relevance. As a generalization, cases that serve only to report unusual disease
manifestations without defined teaching value or clinical relevance are not
¡ The Discussion should focus on those aspects of the case that are necessary to
convey the message that the author(s) wish to make. Extraneous information is
l Perspective: This manuscript is a commentary of 1500-2000 words, addressing a
broad range of topics in musculoskeletal science, education and practice. Members of
the Editorial Board may solicit or contribute these commentaries. Authors and readers
are also invited to contribute commentaries. As a generalization, illustrations are not
permitted and references are limited.
l Test Yourself: Question and Answer: The purpose of the “Test Yourself”
manuscript is to allow the reader to test his or her diagnostic skill in diagnosing
unusual entities. Accordingly, such cases must have radiologic features that will allow
an accurate diagnosis, or at least a narrow differential, to a knowledgeable reader.
Cases with unreported or atypical features are not appropriate for this type of
¡ The format for this manuscript is very brief and consists of two parts, a “question”
and an “answer.”
¡ The “Question” should have a title which indicates the presentation, and does not
reveal the diagnosis: for example “Painful Suprapatellar Swelling.” It should be
followed with a very brief history containing only essential data and generally not
more than one or two lines of text. Up to four figures may be submitted, preferably
with at least one showing pathology. The figure legends should only indicate the
modality (e.g. T2 weighted MRI; Giemsa stain 400X), and should not reveal the
¡ The “Answer” should begin with a one line statement of the diagnosis, followed
by a Discussion of up to 500 words, with no more than 10 references.
l Technical Report: This section is designated for papers that describe a new or novel
diagnostic or therapeutic technique that may be experimental (tested on non-human
subjects) or with limited clinical application. Newer technology, novel applications of
existing technology, biopsy and therapeutic procedures are some examples of
applications that would be considered suitable for this section. The format should be
as outlined for scientific manuscripts.
编辑部信息 所在地: Massuchusetts 国家 美国   

For articles originating from outside Europe:
Daniel I. Rosenthal
Massachusetts General Hospital
Boston, Massuchusetts, USA
Phone +1-617-726-8784
E-mail: dirosenthal@partners.org

For articles originating from Europe:
Juerg Hodler
University Hospital Zurich, AUFN C 18
Raemistrasse 100
8091 Zurich, Switzerland
Phone +41-44-255 2900
E-mail: juerg.hodler@usz.ch
For case reports:
Mark J. Kransdorf
Mayo Clinic
Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Phone +1-480-301-7470
Email: kransdorf.mark@mayo.edu

Emeritus Editors

Jeremy J. Kaye 
Nashville, Tennessee, USA
Iain W. McCall
Oswestry, UK
Dennis J. Stoker
London, UK
Murali Sundaram
Cleveland, Ohio, USA 


