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Annual review of clinical psychology

来源:作者:热度:Loading...日期:2017-06-02, 02:25 PM

Annual review of clinical psychology

影响因子: 12.422

I S S N 1548-5943 (印刷版) 1548-5951 (电子版)

社: Annual Reviews

地: Palo Alto, Calif

出版国家: United States

刊  期: 年刊

创刊时间: 2005

语  种: 英文

审稿周期: 约稿?周期不定

中科院分区: 2

投稿命中率: 很难

国外数据库收录: IM


5年影响因子: 14.073

研究领域: 临床心理学、心理治疗

官方链接: http://www.annualreviews.org/loi/clinpsy


Annual Reviews is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide the worldwide scientific community with a useful and intelligent synthesis of the primary research literature for a broad spectrum of scientific disciplines.  Annual Reviews publications are among the most highly cited in scientific literature as indexed by the Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports® (JCR).

Each year, Annual Reviews critically reviews the most significant primary research literature to guide researchers to the principal contributions of their field and help them keep up to date in their area of research. Each article is its own search engine, providing a gateway to the essential primary research literature referenced within each topic.

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